Most people find it challenging to remove the coconut’s shell, Are you one of those persons who like eating coconuts but finds it difficult to crack the shells off? So you won’t have to worry anymore.
Now try these amazing tricks that will make the difficult process of cracking the coconut shell and slicing the flesh incredibly simple and you can learn How to easily remove coconut from shell
- Freezer holding technique or Ice holding technique-
- Breaking and grating
- Boil the coconut halves
- Burn the coconut Halves
- Circular cutting of half shell flesh
- Freezer holding technique or Ice holding technique-
In this method you can extract the flesh and water together, for this you have to take care of small steps given below. Remove the husk of a coconut, then place the coconut inside a plastic bag and keep it in freezer for Overnight or 6 to 8 hours. After that remove the plastic bag and then give it 30 minutes to rest. The coconut can now be cracked open with a hammer, and the shell will come off with little effort.
2.Breaking and grating-
This is the conventional method of cracking the coconut, removing the shell, and then grating the coconut with grating tool or kitchen tools. But it is time taking process and also other disadvantage is you can’t get coconut flesh in uniform size and also the wastage is more
3.Boil the coconut halves-
Take the coconut and remove its husk by hand and then with help of a hammer crack the shell from the center and drain out the coconut water or you can use screwdriver to hole the coconut to drain out the water.
Then Place the two halves in the boiling water. Once it has been boiled for 5 to 8 minutes, remove it with a tong, remove the exterior hard layer from the corners with a knife or screwdriver, and you will see that the flesh will easily fall out.
The mechanism is that as flesh is boiling in hot water the oil present in coconut starts to melt and leave the attachment with shell, other is as flesh is boil it starts swelling because of hot water and separates out from shell easily
4. how to remove coconut from shell by heating ? by Burning the coconut Halves-
Break the coconut first then remove its husk by hand and then placed one of the coconut’s halves over an open flame. Once it had become completely black then pick it up carefully and submerged it in ice water. As it cools that coconut flesh is easily separate from the tough shell. The mechanism is that due to the high flame the oil present in coconut flesh starts to separate from flesh which also helps to separate the flesh from the shell
5.Tool to remove coconut from shell by Circular cutting of half shell flesh-
It is all done by the help of knife, Use the Knife around the edge of the half Nut Hold the knife with the wedge on the lower side. Hold the Knife handle high and firmly press down to keep the blade in touch with the shell and then with the help of other hand start rotating the coconut half clockwise then you can see the result that coconut strips start to separate easily . For this trick some knife are specially designed