Inadequate Hand washing Wash hands for at least 20 seconds before, during, and after handling food.

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Clean and sanitize surfaces that come in contact with raw turkey and its juices 

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Cross-Contamination Caution Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and ready-to-eat foods to prevent harmful bacteria spread.

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Safe Turkey Thawing Avoid thawing turkey on the counter; use safe methods like refrigerator thawing or cold water thawing 

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Thaw in the refrigerator for 24 hours per 4-5 pounds, or submerge in cold water, changing every 30 minutes 

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Overnight Low-Temperature Cooking Risk Cook turkey at temperatures above 325°F to ensure all parts reach a safe internal temperature of 165°F.

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Pop-Up Timer Limitation While pop-up timers are useful, use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature at multiple spots.

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Preventing Bacteria Growth in Stuffing Follow USDA guidelines for stuffing to minimize bacteria growth; mix wet and dry ingredients just before filling 

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Leftover Storage Awareness: Store leftovers in small, shallow containers and consume within four days.

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Following these USDA guidelines ensures a safe and joyful Thanksgiving celebration, free from the risks of foodborne illness.

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